
Mr. Rebates

Monday, June 14, 2010

Men take milliseconds to fall for pretty women

June 14, 2010

London: Blame it on their genes, but men take just a fraction of a second to judge a woman on her looks and whether she will be a potential partner or not. They weigh up potential partners based on their appearance because their “ancient” genetic preference for attractive mates leads them to, experts claim. Men take a woman with an attractive face to be fertile and able to continue the family line, which appeals to their survival instincts. But, women take longer to decide their feelings for a man because they need to weigh up whether he will be a committed partner who will provide for them well — part of their survival programming. Mark van Vugt and Johanna van Hooff, from the University of Amsterdam, and Helen Crawford from the University of Kent, tested men and women’s bias towards looks with a series of tests on 20 women and 20 men, making them perform tasks while recording their brain activity. The subjects were shown photos of faces of the opposite sex, ranging from attractive to ugly. Men were easily distracted when they saw a pretty face but women stuck to the task. “Men have the more wandering eye because they have evolved to pay attention to cues of fertility and one of those cues is facial beauty – it’s not that men are shallow,” Vugt said.

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