
Mr. Rebates

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Falsehoods about 'Domestic Violence'

In Feminist Writings, Men are "Batterers" and Women are "Victims" - But Reality is Much More Complex

The Superbowl Battering Hoax - first promoted by "FAIR" and by "battered woman expert" Lenore Walker. My Debunking of Lenore Walker's The Battered Woman, a preposterous and indefensible work of pseudo-scholarship that has nonetheless attained near-icon status within so-called 'Womens Studies'.
As Christina Hoff Sommers shows, the famous "Rule of Thumb" for Wife Beating is really just a feminist lie. Laura Flanders of a group calling itself "FAIR" (which played a major role in promoting the "Superbowl Battering" hoax) made a big stink, accused Sommers of misrepresenting facts. Read Sommers'devastating reply to Flanders. (To this day, Politically Correct feminists still try to use Flanders' accusations to bash Sommers in attempting to presuade people they believe to be naieve, even though they know the charges aren't true. If you show them that you've read Sommers' refutation of the charges, they'll quickly shut up, or change the subject.)
Feminists, bolstered by oceans of phony statistics, are now trying to seize Valentine's Day (a day traditionally for celebrating good relations between the sexes) and re-define it as V-Day, a day to protest supposed systemic patriarchal violence against women. (Feminists always have had a big problem dealing with heterosexuality.) Fortunately, Christina Hoff Sommers has shown how phony their male-bashing claims are. (It might be a good idea to check out V-day's list of sponsors and boycott them.)
Every Seven Seconds, a Feminist tells a Lie about Domestic Violence. Noted researcher Richard J. Gelles tries to set the record straight.
A wonderful expose' of how feminists have sabotaged and hijacked the fight against Domestic Violence, turning it into a weapon for use in their war against men, is found in "Prone to Violence" by Erin Pizzey, who founded the first Domestic Violence shelter in the U.K.
Feminists can only get away with claiming that "domestic violence" equals "men beating up women" because people are unaware of the massive documentation of female-instigated domestic violence.
Facts refuting feminist propaganda on Family Violence by Family Resources and Research.

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